The fees are charged per-trade (Buy or Sell) 0.25%
All cryptocurrency deposit Free
Withdrawal fees are updated every 12:00PM, 4:00PM, 9:00PM and 12:00AM (GMT +7) daily based on the latest transaction fees required on blockchain. Learn more
CurrencyNetworkWithdrawal FeesRequired Confirmation
All THB Deposit Free
THB Withdrawal Fee
THB AmountK-BANKOther banks in Thailand
0 - 100,000 THB20 THB20 THB
100,001 - 500,000 THB20 THB75 THB
500,001 - 2,000,000 THB20 THB200 THB
2,000,001 - 20,000,000 THB20 THBUnable to withdraw
You will receive your THB withdrawal according to the schedule below:
BankConditionProcessing Time
K-BANKOver 2 million bahtWithin 24 hours
Less than or equal 2 million bahtWithin 24 hours
Other banksLess than or equal 2 million bahtWithin 24 hours